Photos from Perspectives in Eye Care 2022!
Hosted by the Minnesota Eye Foundation in partnership with the Minnesota Eye Consultants, the annual Perspectives in Eye Care event was held on Monday, May 23rd at the Radisson Blu… read more

DOXO Bill Payment – Warning!
Third-party payment companies like doxo.com want you to think they are our partners assisting with your payment processing to us. Doxo.com and Minnesota Eye Consultants are NOT partners. Doxo.com charges extra service fees and your payments from doxo.com… read more

Why Can’t I Wear Contact Lenses Prior to LASIK?
A lot of patients ask, can I wear my contacts before LASIK eye surgery? The short answer is no, but not everyone knows why. Contact lenses can distort the shape… read more

What is the Cost of Eyelid Surgery?
Undergoing an oculoplastic eye procedure, whether it be cosmetic or medical, is a big decision and one that shouldn’t be taken lightly. One of the most common questions we receive… read more

Vision Project 2022 Part Two!
Minnesota Eye Consultants team members and providers recently wrapped up the second of two-volunteer weekends for the Minnesota Eye Foundation’s charitable event, The Vision Project, at our office in Minnetonka…. read more

The Vision Project 2022
Minnesota Eye Consultants team members and providers recently kicked off the first of two-volunteer weekends for the Minnesota Eye Foundation’s charitable event, The Vision Project, at our office in Woodbury…. read more

An innovative new prescription eye drop is here!
Vuity is the first and only FDA-approved eye drop to treat age-related Blurry Near Vision (presbyopia) in adults. With these new eye drops, adults with presbyopia (farsightedness), could improve their… read more

What if I Blink During Cataract Surgery?
Cataract surgery patients often worry about what may happen if they blink during the procedure. Although this is an understandable concern, there is no need to worry! What should I… read more

November is Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, people with diabetes are more likely to develop blinding eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. Recent studies have revealed low… read more

Halloween Eye Safety Month
October is Halloween Eye Safety Month! Halloween Hazard: Never Buy Decorative Contact Lenses Without a Prescription Did you know? Colored contact lenses are popular year-round for people who want to… read more