John Gordon’s “Touch ‘Em All” Golf Classic!
Minnesota Eye Consultants is proud to be a sponsor for the John Gordon “Touch ‘Em All” Golf Classic! It was a beautiful day for the event!

MN Eye’s President and COO featured in MN Physician
President and COO of Minnesota Eye Consultants, Candace Simerson, has been featured in the August issue of MN Physician. Check her out on page 24: http://issuu.com/mppub/docs/mpaug11 We are so proud of… read more

Sherman W. Reeves, M.D. writes an article for Minnesota Healthcare News
To view the article written by Sherman W. Reeves, M.D., click the link below. You can find his information on Cataract Surgery on pages 12-13 and continued on page 34.

Hearing Services available at MEC!
Did you know MEC offers Hearing Services? Check out our Hearing Healthcare Website and meet Bob Olson, our Hearing Instrument Specialist: http://www.hearingminnesota.com/

It’s UV Safety Month!
We protect our skin with sunscreen, but what about our eyes? Most of us are aware of the dangerous effects ultraviolet (UV) rays have on our skin, but few of… read more

Sneak Peak!
Here’s a sneak peak of the ad that will be running in Mpls. St. Paul Magazine in August!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth at Wine, Women & Baseball yesterday!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by our booth at Wine, Women & Baseball last night! One lucky attendee went home with an amazing prize from Minnesota Eye Consultants!

New Eye Allergy Research Study
RESEARCH STUDY Minnesota Eye Consultants, P.A. is conducting a research study for people with eye allergies. The purpose of this study is to compare the effect of BEPREVE™ (bepotastine besilate ophthalmic solution) 1.5% to an… read more

Find and friend us on Facebook to win this great tote bag!
Visit Minneapolis LASIK & Cataract on Facebook for a chance to win this free tote!

Minnesota Eye Foundation Hosts 2011 Perspectives in Eye Care
On Wednesday, May 18th the Minnesota Eye Foundation hosted ‘Perspectives in Eye Care’ – our 2011 CE program for the Minnesota optometric community. Speakers included several partners and surgeons from… read more