Dr. Lindstrom receives award!
Dr. Richard Lindstrom will receive the Catalyst Award at Glaucoma 360 in February. This award honors individuals who have advanced our knowledge of glaucoma through innovation and collaboration. Congratulations Dr…. read more

Meet The Staff: Candice Frenning
MEET THE STAFF: Name: Candice Frenning Title: ASC Coordinator in Maplewood Work Responsibilities: Checking in surgery patients, prepping surgery charts, scheduling surgery, etc… How long have you been with MEC: Just over two years… read more

Hawaiian Eye 2012
Doctors and staff of Minnesota Eye Consultants are currently attending the Hawaiian Eye conference in Wailea, Maui. Here they’ll learn how to incorporate cutting-edge procedures into their practice, such as femtosecond laser-assisted… read more

Congrats to Dr. Davis & Dr. Samuelson
I would like to congratulate Dr. Elizabeth Davis and Dr. Thomas Samuelson on their inclusion in Becker’s ASC Review’s list of “135 Leading Ophthalmologists in America.” Dr. Davis, Dr. Samuelson… read more

December is Safe Toys & Celebration Month
The holiday season is a time for family, fun & festivity – but it can also be a dangerous time as each year people suffer eye injuries caused by unsafe… read more

Diabetic Eye Disease Month
There are approximately 16 million Americans who have diabetes. All are at risk of developing sight-threatening eye diseases that are common complications of diabetes. What is diabetic eye disease? Diabetic… read more

Dr. Davis wins AAO award!
Congratulations to MEC’s very own Dr. Elizabeth Davis. She won a Senior Achievement Award at the AAO annual meeting! The Achievement Award program recognizes individuals who participate in the scientific programs at… read more

Blaine turns One!
Our Blaine MEC location turns 1-year-old tomorrow! Congrats to everyone who has made this location a success!

Halloween Eye Safety: When Costumes Really Get Scary
Halloween Eye Safety: When Costumes Really Get Scary Editor’s Note: It’s fun for kids to put on scary costumes for trick-or-treat and Halloween parties, but you don’t want them to… read more

October is Halloween Eye Safety Month
HALLOWEEN EYE WEAR ACCESSORY MAY PERMANENTLY DAMAGE EYES With Halloween approaching, the American Optometric Association (AOA) is warning consumers about the risks of wearing decorative contact lenses without a prescription… read more