OD’s and Staff Attend Coding and Reimbursement Course
Thanks to all of the OD’s and staff who came to our Coding and Reimbursement Course led by the fantastic Donna McCune with Corcoran Consulting Group! It was a full… read more

November is Diabetes Eye Disease Awareness Month!
In the United States, diabetes is fast becoming one of the leading causes of blindness in adults. As of 2007, 23.6 million children and adults in the United States suffer… read more

Meet the Staff!
Karli Condon is a front desk receptionist. She recently transferred to the Plymouth clinic after spending the last year as a float. She has been with MEC for just over two years… read more

Meet the Staff!
Karli Condon is a front desk receptionist. She recently transferred to the Plymouth clinic after spending the last year as a float. She has been with MEC for just over two years… read more

Meet the Staff!
Karli Condon is a front desk receptionist. She recently transferred to the Plymouth clinic after spending the last year as a float. She has been with MEC for just over two years… read more

Halloween Eye Safety
Halloween Eye Safety Tips Never buy cosmetic contact lenses without a prescription from an eye care professional. It is both illegal and dangerous. Improper use of cosmetic contact lenses can… read more

Wondering about cosmetic eyelid surgery, Botox, brow lifts or other cosmetic procedures!? Minnesota Eye Consultants offers it all! Check out our new Oculoplastics page!http://www.minnesotaeyeplasticsurgery.com/

Meet the Staff: Stacie Mahowald
How long have you been with Minnesota Eye Consultants: Six years! What is your role at MN Eye: A Patient Care Assistant in the Maplewood ASC. What is your favorite thing about… read more

What is the MN Eye experience really like!?
We are incredibly excited to debut our new video, “The Essence of Minnesota Eye Consultants”! Take a look!

Meet our new MD Fellow!
Meet Dr. Sumitra S. Khandelwal, our new MD fellow at Minnesota Eye Consultants! Dr. Khandelwal specializes in cornea, external disease, anterior segment, cataract, refractive and laser surgery. She obtained her… read more