Workplace Eye Wellness
Whether your occupation involves digging at a dusty construction site or running reports on a computer, it’s important to keep your vision safe with the proper precautions. Check out this… read more

Operation Eyesight: A Mini-Documentary
In February & March of this year, we – along with The Minnesota Eye Foundation – offered our annual Operation Eyesight program. This year, Munjoy Hill Media came out and… read more

Eyes: 15 Fun Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
On the face of it, our eyes are just simple orbs in our head, but the fact is that they’re very complex organs. There are seven main parts in the… read more

Halloween Eye Safety
Halloween Eye Safety Tips Never buy cosmetic contact lenses without a prescription from an eye care professional. It is both illegal and dangerous. Improper use of cosmetic contact lenses can… read more

Myth: Eating carrots can improve vision.
Myth: Eating carrots can improve vision. Fact: Although it’s true that carrots are rich in vitamin A, which is essential for sight,so are many other foods (asparagus, apricots, nectarines, and… read more

Myth: Wearing glasses too much will make the eyes “dependent” on them.
Myth: Wearing glasses too much will make the eyes “dependent” on them. Fact: Refractive errors (near-sightedness, far-sightedness, or astigmatism) change as kids get older. Many variables come into play, but… read more

Prevent Eye Injuries from Fireworks!
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, fireworks are involved in thousands of injuries treated in U.S. hospital emergency rooms each year. Most fireworks injuries occur during the one… read more

Myth: Only boys can be color-blind.
Myth: Only boys can be color-blind. Fact: It’s estimated that up to 8% of boys have some degree of color blindness, whereas less than 1% of girls do.

Myth: Two blue-eyed parents can’t produce a child with brown eyes.
Myth: Two blue-eyed parents can’t produce a child with brown eyes. Fact: Two blue-eyed parents can have a child with brown eyes, although it’s very rare. Likewise, two brown-eyed parents… read more

Myth: Computer use can damage the eyes.
Myth: Computer use can damage the eyes. Fact: According to the AAO, computer use won’t harm the eyes. However, when using a computer for long periods of time, the eyes… read more